Venue Resources


1 & 2. Medicine Pouch workshop with Strange and Known Places artist Brenda Mercer at Lethbridge Public Library in 2022.
3, 4 & 5. Memory Maps workshop with The Nameless boy who gave his name to Sunday artist Joel Matthew Warkentine at Dorothy Dalgliesh School in 2022.
The Visiting Artist program is available in conjunction with several exhibitions. The program is included within the booking fee and is an excellent way to enhance the educational value of the exhibitions hosted by your venue. Artist visits can be tailored to suit the needs of your audience and may include a hands-on project, an artist talk and/or an exhibition tour. While we strive to accommodate all requests for Visiting Artists, we cannot guarantee a visit to your venue. Scheduling will depend on demand for the program as well as the availability of the artists. For further details on booking a Visiting Artist, please contact Sierra Zukowski at